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A New Year, A New You?

Every year at the strike of midnight we vow to make changes, lose weight, exercise, work harder, work less, renew relationships (friends &/or families) and on and on and on. Only for the new goals to be deflated after the first week. How can we change that? How about starting out small!

My goal and purpose of this blog is to help you make changes in your home to obtain the aforementioned goals. But, first lets start with health. NOT lose weight or exercise, but to be healthy. A lean person can be unhealthy as an overweight person may actually be healthier depending on lifestyle and eating habits. Remember "you can't out exercise a bad diet". 

There are many diets out there and many beliefs around nutrition. No matter your eating lifestyle or goal the direction will be the same. For me and the sake of this blog it will be centered around eating Whole Foods Plant Based Foods. Note, I am not a medical doctor or professional and do not advise making any changes without seeking the opinion of your medical doctor or a professional. I am speaking from personal experience and here to provide ideas in efforts to switching to a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet and essentially creating healthier eating habits. Eating habits and nutrition is the beginning of getting healthy. Exercise is forthcoming.

So here goes: 

1). It's time to clean out the food pantry: Anything with animal products, anything with enriched flour, anything with ingredients you don't understand, trash, trash, trash! I'll take it a step further, anything non-organic - trash! Just until you know the dirty dozen, understand the clean list and read more about GMOs.  Please do your own research. For me until I understood all of that, 100% Organic took the guessing out. In regards to expense, you're not buying animal products and it's cheaper than your medical bill if you didn't adapt to healthier choices. Stock up on quinoa, brown rice,  a variety of flours (whole wheat, chickpea, almond, whole wheat pastry, etc.), nuts (cashews, almonds, brazillian, pecans, etc. start out with the first two & add on), Seeds (golden flax, hemp, chia, pumpkin, sunflower etc.), whole wheat pasta, a variety of grains, and a variety of dried beans (garbanzo aka chick peas, cannellini, kidney, black, sprouted lentils or lentils, etc.). A note about snacks, trash it! IF you want a treat, make it!

2). Clean out the herbs and spices: Yes, I went all organic here. Make a list of all the standard spices and add on as much as your cabinet can fit. The intent here is don't let it be an excuse to not make a dish, because you don't have that spice. If you are prepared you will easily be able to make that new dish.  ***Here's a tip, some places actually have where you can refill your spices which is less expensive. Try a variety of stores to stock up to save. You'll be surprised how many retail chains carry inexpensive organic herbs and spices.

3). Clean out the Fridge: Anything with animal products, mayo, butter, milk, non-organic etc. Replace with organic and whole food's plant based options of the very things you threw out. Plus add more greens, lettuce, fresh herbs, parsley, scallions, cilantro, celery, peppers (red & green), cucumbers, scallions, veggies, etc. Even if you don't have a recipe for it, buy it. Always have the standard produce. This will allow for you to always be prepared to make a dish and not have an excuse to default back to bad habits. 

4). Clean out the Freezer: Anything nonorganic or not whole foods plant based throw out. Replace with organic or non-gmo. I suggest going to a big box store and buying in bulk. You will save considerably. Definitely, add a variety of frozen fruit to make delicious smoothies. ***Another tip, your fresh fruits or vegetables chop up and freeze if they are going bad. Frozen bananas in the blender with almond milk, vanilla, walnuts is a sweet treat!~

5). Clean out the supplement cabinets: You get the theme by now. Clean out and replace. Anything that doesn't have a V for (Vegan), trash. One of the key ingredient to look out for is gelatin or any type of fish. 

6). Add to your replacement list: Miso Paste, Tahini, Tamari (low sodium), Dehydrated Seasoned Vegetable Base, Olives, Lemons (or lemon juice), Capers, Red Curry Paste, and Limes (or lime juice).

7). Appliances. I can't say enough about having the right tools to a make the cooking experience enjoyable. Invest in a good blender (check out our website at for a variety of blender options), food processor, knives, mixing bowls, measuring cups, etc. is essential to every kitchen. Invest in your kitchen and yourself! 

Ok, so I think I've targeted the kitchen. You get the theme clean out, replace and start over. It's time to stock up with healthier options. It's also time to find healthier recipes. Whether it be through Pinterest or there are a variety of smart phone apps to keep all of your recipes in one place.

Last but not least, have fun! Make it a fun experience, if it's fun you'll stick with it!~ 

Have a Happy & Healthy New Year!~

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